Sizes & Fitting Information
Brick Board Sizes
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product range sizes for distribution.pd[...]
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Our standard “brick-board” trim consists of ( Qty 2 No.) Legs 32.5" (height) x 8.5" (width) and (Qty 1 No.) Head 47.45" (length) x 8.5" (height) When added to one of
our chamber sets makes an attractive and low cost brick fire surround that can be quickly fitted and easily cut to size. This has proved to be an extremely popular option with
customers and stove fitters alike because it is so adaptable and looks great.
Custom Sizes available to order contact us for a quote
Fitting your Brick Boards
Brick Boards are a hand made product and as such are subject to slight variations in sizes colours and tolerances. They must be stored flat at all times and fitted in accordance with our instructions by competent persons. The Brick Boards are simply secured to your existing masonry with ordinary plugs and screws. Please ensure that you use a minimum of four screws per panel 1 at the top, 2 in the middle and 1 at the bottom. We will not be held responsible for any problems caused by incorrect fitting, please download our fitting instructions from this page.